Safety first at Benegas

Safety has come first at Benegas for more than 60 years. Propane gas and butane gas are subject to legal requirements which we always meet. Extensive measures apply to both the use & transportation and the installation of a propane tank. We have tried to give more information as clearly as possible below, but of course we are happy to answer any questions you may have!


Propaantank huren

Tank inspection and maintenance

Due to the pressure in a propane tank, it is subject to strict safety requirements. A tank has to be inspected regularly to make sure it continues to meet these requirements. A propane tank is inspected every year to check for leaks, damage or corrosion. Tanks with a volume smaller than 13 m³ have a different inspection frequency: once every 2 years.

A well-maintained tank is always free of plants, obstacles and excessive vegetation. This prevents damage to the paint on the tank and keeps your tank looking good. At the end of the inspection period, the engineer will come to replace the pressure relief valve and will inspect the tank immediately afterwards. The tank must be empty in order to replace this valve.

Questions about safety

What should I do in the case of an emergency?

In the case of an emergency, you can call Benegas or the fire brigade for help. Benegas is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on its general phone number: + 31 341-723350. You can call the fire brigade on the European alarm number 112 (999 in the UK). When you sign your contract, you will receive an emergency plan from Benegas. You will also find this emergency plan on a sticker on your tank. Read this emergency plan carefully so that you are prepared for all eventualities.

Can I hide my tank?

The gas tank must always be freestanding and may not be covered. A gas tank that is free of vegetation and other cover can resist corrosion better and will last longer. Another reason for this requirement is tank accessibility and safety. There must be a minimum free distance and height of 1.5 metres around the propane tank.

Up to what temperature can I use propane gas?

The ‘boiling point’ of propane gas, i.e. the temperature at which the gas changes from a liquid to a gas, is around -40° C. So you can use propane as fuel at any temperature above that. This means that even in very cold winters propane gas is an ideal alternative heating fuel.
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